where wildly different is perfectly normal
Duck, here comes Mercury
Duck, here comes Mercury

Duck, here comes Mercury

Have ya heard? Today Mercury is in retrograde! (Interpretation: things are gonna be screwy for the next three weeks. You’ve been warned.) I never put much stock in the whole Mercury is in retrograde the world is going to ennnnnd!!! thing…until all hell would break loose and I couldn’t figure out why. Same with a full moon; it’s all kinds of crazy making here then.

So today begins three weeks of all things janked up. My first clue should have been easy: I hopped out of bed right at 5:45 this morning. Now, I never pop out of bed, certainly never at that unholy hour, and most definitely not the day after Daylight Saving Time begins. Just all kinds of wrong there. The dog ate a dropped chocolate donut. I am now on “everybody out, all exits, no waiting” watch with her. While emptying the dishwasher, a Pyrex baking dish jumped out of the cabinet and shattered into more pieces than there are words with which to profanely exclaim. Glass under my feet, in my slippers, in the cabinet, in dishes inside the cabinet, under the island, across the room, down the stairs, and a few enterprising shards flipped the bird to the laws of gravity and jumped onto the counter to hide under the coffeemaker. I was holding another Pyrex dish in my hand at the time; it’s a miracle I wasn’t sliced to ribbons. Took me nearly an hour to deal with that.

This was all before 10 am.

We’re at the start of the busiest week in months here, I don’t need planetary interference making it worse. I’m going to try to keep my head down and hope Mercury and Murphy’s Law and all other HEY JEN! WATCH OUT! conspirators have a little compassion for a change.

Or at least clean up the mess when the Pyrex hits the fan.


  1. Holy crap! I assume that’s the picture on the right, huh? Thank God you weren’t hurt.

    Sorry the universe is acting janky for you this week. I actually think I’m going to have a pretty great week, at least bases on how my Monday went. 😛

  2. Mindy

    Wow. I didn’t realize Mercury had such an impact on my life but now it all makes sense! The kids got up yesterday morning at like, 4am. Crazy #1 decided she had to wear an outfit with which the only shoes she could wear are sandals, in spite of the fact that it is cold and rain will be pouring down all day. Skip to the end of the day where both Crazies (#1 and #2) have been totally freaking insane all day. #1 spills chocolate milk all over my backseat, knocks every completed art paper down off the letter tray that holds them (about a billion papers) and then #2 gets up a 4am again. You should really warn us a day or two before this Mercury thing happens so I can just lock the kids in a bunker or something. Lol

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