where wildly different is perfectly normal
Emotional Intensity Giveaway!
Emotional Intensity Giveaway!

Emotional Intensity Giveaway!

I’ve been reading all the comments left this week on the interview post with Christine Fonseca. Some have been amusing, some have been heartbreaking, and I related to them all. That’s what raising emotionally intense gifted kids is like: amusing, heartbreaking, and should come with a black box warning label and a cask of wine. Oh, just me? Sorry then.
So, according to the Random Number Generator that I couldn’t figure out how to operate and got tired of fiddling with it and finally just copied and pasted the stinkin’ image, the winning comment number is 10!
True Random Number Generator 10 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Going through my comments and removing any that say “Christine” or “Jen,” I got Nikki!
Holy moly do we need this book around here! I was (probably am still) an emotionally intense gifted kid & the only strategy used was shutting me down. I have tried as much as possible to unlearn & not repeat the past with our son but it is so hard because he’s even more intense than I was. Thankfully his teachers & the after-school team are incredibly patient in trying numerous strategies, but I would love to be able to provide them with even more from this. Thanks & if I don’t win I’m definitely ordering this one.
(Seriously, I gotta learn how to do a screen capture)
Nikki, congrats! Drop me a note and I’ll get you set up with Christine! If I don’t hear from you soon I’ll search you out. 😉
Finally, don’t forget that Friday is The Big Honkin’ Blog Tour Giveaway Coolness Extravaganza of Uber Awesomeness! This is your chance to win a basket of gifted swag and a signed book. Christine will draw a winner from ALL the comments from ALL the blogs participating in the tour, INCLUDING comments left on Friday’s review post. You can catch the details at Christine’s blog, as well as a bunch of just really good writing. My review of “Emotional Intensity” will be up on Friday; ironically enough, the boys don’t have school that day, so I’m sure I’ll be using techniques that are fresh in mind.
Now, please excuse. I have an emotionally intense nine year old about to lose his shit over homework. Sigh…


  1. Yea for Nikki D! Glad I ordered mine via Amazon today!

    [FYI Screen Capture: Command + Shift + 4. The cursor will become cross hairs, click and drag over what you want to capture. You will have a new file entitled Picture 1, it’s a PNG and it should be on your desktop. There’s no second chances though, thankfully it’s painfully easy- if you screw up do it again (the second one will be called Picture 2- clever, no?!) Yours truly in the Cult of the Mac, Kate]

  2. OMG!!!! Thank you so much Jen and Christine for this. I was all set to place my order from Amazon and have already recommended this to another parent. I can hardly wait to read and share with many and will write a Friday No Foolery article about this. Normally my blog sticks to health informatics and medical librarianship but it’s time for me to speak up in support of the gifted and 2E there too.

    The timing is rather surreal as we were watching the last of the Chilean miners rescued, and today 8yr had some emotional reaction issues leading to problems after school.

    Again, THANK YOU!! I can’t believe it!

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