where wildly different is perfectly normal
kiddie blog
kiddie blog

kiddie blog

Ok, a question for those of you in the know. A, my seven year old, wants to start a blog. Not one to discourage writing, especially in one who really needs to improve his writing, I’m all for it. But there is no way he’s setting one up on one of the major platforms. I don’t trust myself to make it safe enough.

Mama Zen, you turned me on to Woogi World, which my boys adore. Do you know of a kiddie blog platform?

Unplug Your Kids, you always have fantastic ideas. Any thoughts?

Anyone? Bueller…Bueller?

Ideally I want something that is safe for him. Something that is relatively simple to use. A way for him to learn how to create links, how to manipulate the internet, as well as write. It’ll pretty much be us, grandparents, maybe his teacher who would be reading it (his teacher LOVES this idea and wants to know what I find out so she has that info in her back pocket for other kids-his teacher ROCKS). It just needs to be safe, creative, fun, and not something I have to hover over him to help him out.

Surely there’s something out there!


  1. I wonder if Scholastic Books has a way for kids to start a blog. I will into it for you this weekend. I know they have a way for teachers to create a blog and/or webpage for their classroom (I have one, of course) but I’m not sure about kids, since I always go directly to the teacher section. If you find yourself with some time to kill, go to http://www.scholastic.com and see what’s there 🙂

  2. momunplugged

    Thanks for the compliment! I am not sure that this is my area of expertise though.

    My first thought would be to have him set up a blog via Blogger and then make it private. Only invited readers would be able to see it. I’ll think on though. There’s probably a great solution out there.

    How cool that he wants his own blog! That would be a great way to get him writing and learning computer skills all at once.

  3. I know I’m late to this party, but KT loves her blog (BaggaChips). She doesn’t get as much chance to write on it now that school is in full swing and she’s editing her 80,000 word novel, but when she wants to express herself, it’s there. 🙂

Whaddya think?

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