Ooh, a rare double post! Mark the calendar. Taking notes on my daily time log has become habit; I think that’s a good thing. I do recognize that I’m more aware of my time.
7:30 am: Hauled self out of bed after an extended puppy-pile cuddle with the whole fam damily
8:30 am: Take the boys’ computer to my Computer Guru, run to Hobby Lobby, grocery store
10:30 am: Read blogs
11:00 am: Food prep (Quinoa Tabbouleh, Jicama salad, lunch prep)
1:00 pm: Lunch
1:30 pm: Cleaned kitchen
2:00 pm: Emails, cleaned up online stuff
4:00 pm: Practiced duets with a friend for my last day playing at church
5:00 pm: Chair massage from aforementioned friend who is studying to be a massage therapist
5:30 pm: Dinner with friend and her family
6:30 pm: Hang with friends
8:00 pm: Boys’ showered and bed
8:45 pm: Help Tom with his Google calendar and syncing
9:00 pm: Read blogs
9:45 pm: Start blog posting
And because I am all about being exciting and hip and cutting-edge, I’m going to rock this couch for the rest of the night. I know you’re jealous.