where wildly different is perfectly normal
But I’ll be a FIT sheep
But I’ll be a FIT sheep

But I’ll be a FIT sheep

Blogging mamas rock. Last night I got together with a bunch of blogging mamas, courtesy of Mile High Mamas. There was much laughing and talking and drinking of wine and a good time was had by all. I won the mega door prize of a free super-duper-uber teeth whitening (woot!), and we all wondered if we were really going to get the snow the weather folks were swearing up and down and sideways we were going to get.

Heh. We got it alright.

It’s been snowing for less than six hours and I’d guesstimate we have at least a foot of snow in the backyard. And now it’s blowing; I can barely see the school thisclose behind my house. Yes, a snow day. Right before spring break, and four days after my sunburn. So far we’ve had only one instance of Lord of the Flies here in the house, and a seven year old who is convinced the DVD player hates him. Good times, good times. But I’ve made cookies in honor of the blizzard and I’m not freaking about anything today. Chances are we’ll have at least a late start day tomorrow, if not another snow day.

Back to the blogging mamas last night. Apparently many, many blogging mamas are doing the 30 Day Shred. Not just Cursing Mama, but EatPlayLove and The Casual Perfectionist as well. Even the Crazy Bloggin’ Canuck is going back to it. I have been swearing up and down and left and right and upside down that I wasn’t going to do the Shred because I, you know, like not being in pain. I like pain-free a lot. And what I’ve read has convinced me that I’m just happy as a pig in poop NOT doing the Shred. Because of the pain. And I’m a world-class wuss when it comes to exercise pain. And mashed potatoes are in better shape than I am. Then The Casual Perfectionist mentioned she has lost an inch off each thigh after one week.

And suddenly pain wasn’t quite an issue.

And I, desperate as I am to not be mashed potatoes anymore, am now a Shredhead Sheep. Le sigh… Just need to get the DVD, stock up on ibuprofin (melts snow!), and get to it. Tom even said he’d do it with me.

Just as soon as the blizzard ends.




  1. An inch off of each thigh…. I don’t think I can claim that. But I can claim that my bye-bye arms don’t wave quite as long as they did 21 days ago. Shred day #21 – Level 3 Day 1 and I’m still mobile.

    (days 2-4 were the worst after that it was a lot easier)

  2. Pingback: This sheep needs a new tv, but she’ll still be Fit « Never A Dull Moment

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