We sat down and helped the boys sign their class valentines tonight. J was easy, he just scrawled his name as best he could. A was more difficult. Writing is tough for him to start with. He had to sign his name 23 times and write 23 different names on those teeny tiny cards. But we got through it; A through pure hard work, wine for the parents.
I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of valentines A brings home. In preschool, the valentines are pretty much what the mom gets at the store. If she remembers ahead of time, it’s something cute, like puppies and kittens. If not, it’s whatever she can find still on the shelves 45 minutes before preschool starts. But for elementary school, it’s something different. The kids actually pick out their own valentines. A picked Star Wars, no surprise there. I’m anticipating that the boys will bring Star Wars, Bionicles, and Cars. Girls will bring Disney Princesses, puppies and kittens, and Hello Kitty.
The great divide starts early…except for this young man. I now have hope that somewhere a young man is learning how to properly woo a young lady. : ) Or at least knows how to move on.
Yep. You’re right. Girl-Child is bringing puppies and kitties to her preschool class. To be honest, I almost fainted in the store when she DIDN’T pick the Disney princesses.
Here’s a charming link for you:
Just lovely…for kids!!!
Now, if it were for ex-boyfriends, I can see the possibilities.