where wildly different is perfectly normal
There once was a man from Nantucket…
There once was a man from Nantucket…

There once was a man from Nantucket…

When I was in high school and college I would write limericks for friends at St. Patty’s Day. I haven’t done it in years, though I’ve thought about it. Jenny McB is hosting a limerick contest (describing your blog) so hey, here ya go. She requested that it be kept clean, and I obliged. ; ) Eventually I’ll get really good at bawdy limericks and will post some here. Or not.

There once was a woman called “Mom”
Who married her sweetheart named Tom.
She had two little boys,
A and J were her joys,
They thought that their mom was da’ bomb.

This woman called “Mom” was named Jen
And she tried hard to make her life zen.
But the boys drove her nuts
As they acted like mutts
And aged her by ninety and ten.

Ne’er a Dull Moment is where this gal penned
‘Tis her hope that your friends you will send
For some cries and some laughs
And to read of her gaffes
All are welcome, just like an old friend.

If you click on the picture above, you’ll be sent to Jenny’s blog. Go, check out the other entries in the limerick contest. This was fun to write, did it while the boys were in the bath.

Whaddya think?

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