For the last two weeks, I have been in maintenance mode. Anything and everything that could be put off until August 18th was. Emails? Unless urgent, postponed. Phone calls the same. Blogging fuggedaboutit. Books, errands, miscellaneous B.S. that needs to be done so the world keeps spinning…all ignored.
It’s amazing how relaxing life can be when you just tell everything to piss off until a future date.
That date is today.
And what is today, you may ask?
Today, August 18th 2010, is the day my sons return to the hallowed halls of learning. Ahhh….
Back to School. My three favorite words in the English language. They have even beaten out “free wine tasting” and “first class upgrade.” Those three little words ensure that my brain will have a few uninterrupted hours a day to function. I miss my brain. We may need to start dating, to get to know each other again. Dear brain, I like long walks on the beach, coffee in little bistros…turn ons are good books and wine, turn offs are unnecessary interruptions. Love you!
So today I start back with stuff. You know, the stuff that needs to be done, even if you really don’t want to do it. Staying on top of things. Planning for the future. Studying up on giftedness to be a better advocate. Working. Flirting with my brain. Weeding the window wells (oh my holy hell, there is a veritable forest in the guest room window well. I may just leave it alone and decorate it for Christmas.). In the interest of balance, I’m also getting a haircut this afternoon. I may have it all chopped off. Or not. I may have a purple streak dyed in. Or not. It’s all wide open today.
Maintenance mode is over. Time to poke the dying embers and throw a couple logs on the fire. It’s going to be a breathtakingly crazy someone please rescue me busy year. Too much going on and fewer resources on which to rely. Add a OMG the lid came off and it all poured out! dash of uncertainty, a pinch of I may need to find full-time employment instead of the awesome flex-time gig I have going on, and top it all off with a shaving of “Please <insert deity of choice here>, we can’t have another school year like the last one. Cut us some slack!” and you can see why I was ignoring the world for the last fortnight. Today is about planning, about planning in silence, and about the awesome head massage I’ll get this afternoon.
Shhh…I’m enjoying the blissful sound of silence.
Yippee! You made it through another summer!
I am in maintenance mode right now too. Almost through the stack of paper that accumulated on my desk over the summer!
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I still don’t know what the hell I’m doing these days. Not having even one day off this summer has COMPLETELY thrown me off my game!!
I hope the first day of school was a good one. 🙂