I’m just going to cut to the chase. Heather Boorman’s new book, The Gifted Kids Workbook, is absolutely brilliant, it’s exactly what I needed a decade ago, and if you’re parenting or teaching a gifted kid (roughly between the ages of 7 and 13), you need to finish reading this blog post and GET IT.
{CYA notes: I was provided a copy of the workbook for honest review by Heather at the recent SENG conference[footnote] Our interaction consisted of “Oh hey, I have the book for you” and “OMG that’s right, lemme get that from you now before I forget!” Someday she and I will actually sit down for coffee or wine or something. [/footnote], and that’s an affiliate link up there [footnote] I earn a few tuppence for sales, thereby supporting my local coffeeshop habit [/footnote].
I’m not kidding when I say I wish I’d had this workbook a decade ago. In 2008 we were in the thick of it; there are posts here from that time that are really, really hard for me to read. They bring up so many painful memories and emotions and I’d rather just la la la right past them. So I’m kinda jealous that parents today have this resource and I hope it helps them dig out from under the chaos parenting gifted kids brings. That said, I am totally having Andy read a couple of the later sections. He and I recently had some deep conversations about designing the life you want and multipotentialities and gifted wiring, and I think he’d benefit from a few of the exercises Heather has here on those topics.
Yes, my friends, this is an actual workbook for kids and the adults who parent and teach them. It’s written for and to the gifted child, never down to them, but definitely understandable and relatable. For an adult it’s an easy and quick read[footnote] and thank god for that, because at the end of a long parenting day, any remaining mental bandwidth is usually reserved for finding a clean wineglass and digging the remote control out of the couch cushions[/footnote], but the actual exercises are the value here. The workbook covers what gifted is, goes into overexcitabilities, dives into the struggles that gifted people usually have, talks about friendships and other social/emotional connections, and ends with how you can choose your identity and design the life you want to live. There are thoughtful activities for every section, for nearly every potential struggle. I was floored by the depth of activities and how it brings gifted is wiring to the fore, to the very kids who need to know that they are gifted stem to stern, and not just what’s floating between their ears.
I can’t remember the last time I was so happy reading a book for gifted kids; usually I read with frustration and resignation and a sense of screaming into the wind. The Gifted Kids Workbook is almost joyful! It states in a very matter-of-fact way that gifted kids are normal, they are differently-wired, and here’s how they can learn about themselves in a world that doesn’t always get them. There are further exercises and a parent guide on a connected website, which only adds to the value of this book. I would love it so much if gifted programs used this with their kids during the school year. Could you imagine the lives that could change? For kids to learn that they’re perfectly normal, but here’s how to name and manage the existential depression[footnote] or anxiety, perfectionism, multipotentialities [/footnote]hanging around?
I’m so glad Heather wrote this book, and I can see it making a huge difference in kids’ lives. I didn’t realize how badly the gifted community needed it until I read it, and now that it’s here I swear every gifted parent needs one in their hot little hands. Heather also runs The Fringy Bit podcast, about differently-wired kids, and I have to throw a shout-out for it as well. There are so many more amazing resources now than when I was in the weeds a decade ago, and I’m so grateful for that, even if I don’t need them.
So. Go get Heather’s book. Go check out the other book reviews from today’s GHF book review blog hop. Go have a great week.
Today’s book review post was part of GHF’s August blog hop.
Psst…Hey you! Yeah, you, the one double-fisting the coffee and wine. How’re you doing? Hanging in there? Need some help? I am co-facilitating support classes for parents of 2e kids with my friend and co-conspiritor Kate Arms. Kate is an extraordinary life coach, I am the delight you know and love who has made all the self-care mistakes and returned from the depths to say don’t go that way…there be dragons, and between the two of us we have six gifted and twice-exceptional kids. Classes start next week and registration is now open. Please take the time to help yourself so you are better able to help your kids. It’s your turn. See you in class. 🙂
Great review! Thanks so much for bringing this resource to our attention!
You’re welcome! It’s really a fantastic resource.
I am SO looking forward to looking at this. It could end up being my go-to “welcome to the wonderful world of gifted” door prize for new clients.
I could see it being a really good door prize. 😉 LOL! I wish I’d had it “back in the day,” it would have been a HUGE help.