where wildly different is perfectly normal


So the plan for today was to go on a Cub Scout hike. A quick little jaunt, only 1.3 miles. It started at noon, so I figured we’d be done by 1:30, home by 2:30 or so and still have the rest of the afternoon.


This quick little 1.3 mile jaunt somehow morphed into a 2 and a half mile “when the hell is this death march going to end?

That was my thought, not the boys’. They were great. I’m a wuss.

Of course, if I had someone to carry me 1/4 of a mile, I’d be fine too. Love ya, J, but you’re getting heavy.

It was the perfect autumn day for a hike around a lake at a local state park. Sunny, cool, a slight breeze.dsc04136We saw some wildlife.dsc04137

dsc04143It was a great time, despite the surprising length and the “OMG, please stop talking, I don’t care about the long history of Barr Lake!” ranger.

But…we were gone nearly five hours, when I anticipated maybe 2. This is what welcomed us when we got home:



It’s ok, Rosie. We’re not going anywhere tomorrow. I have to do all the stuff that didn’t get done today.


Whaddya think?

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