where wildly different is perfectly normal
If Juanita the Weasel had gifted kids
If Juanita the Weasel had gifted kids

If Juanita the Weasel had gifted kids

Are you a fan of The Bloggess? No? For shame! You don’t like laughing til you tinkle in your panties? Expand your horizons people! I routinely read The Bloggess for damp laughs, and the last couple of days have more than lifted my spirits.

See, Jenny has a thing for antique taxidermy, much to the quiet dismay of her husband. Her newest chum is Juanita the Weasel. Juanita is so kick ass that Wil Wheaton requested a special caption and if you don’t get the reference I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Today Juanita was released to the interwebz for our titling pleasure. And I thought…what if poor Juanita had gifted kids?

Ah, yes. We’ve all said this, I’m sure.



The words that can never be spoken to a teacher or administrator.



Think the world will listen to a crazed taxidermied weasel wearing an apron?



Never mind that Algebra I was a stretch for me; bedtime stories would be a lot easier if I understood what the hell Stephen Hawking was talking about.



Worse than going from man to man defense to zone.



Then she went on a rabid attack through the school. 


Of course, dearheart. You survive an IEP meeting, you get to have wine. If you survive a particularly bad IEP meeting, you get to have my margaritas.



Yes, Juanita has had enough. Can’t say I blame her.


  1. Rebekah

    Ahahaaa I knew Juanita the Weasel could multi-task, but this is even more fabulous than I imagined. Do you sell gift cards? I definitely need a “he’s booored, I tell you. Booored!” gift card for, oh, so many people. Hehehehe.

    1. Jen

      No, can’t do anything with the picture than what I’ve done here; The Bloggess retains the copyright for the image, though she released it for our fun. 🙂
      That said, I do have other ideas… 😉

  2. Paula H.

    I am lovin’ this! Maybe she should be on a large tote bag…I’d like to order “I should have got my degree in theoretical physics” please.

    Have you read Stephen Hawking’s books (I think there are two) for kids, “George’s Secret Key to the Universe”? I admit that I enjoyed reading them, too.

  3. You and I get to stay friends. Phew!

    That said, did you read that Wil Wheaton’s wife of TEN YEARS didn’t know what a holodeck was? If that ain’t proof that parenting eats your ability to talk to your spouse about anything other than house/money/kids, nothing ever will.

  4. Ariel

    I LOVE the Bloggess! jenny is so amazing and funny. She even helped my kid when he was being bullied by writing him an encouraging email. She is awesome! Love what you’ve done with Juanita.

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