where wildly different is perfectly normal
My best gift…that the midwest blizzard stole from me
My best gift…that the midwest blizzard stole from me

My best gift…that the midwest blizzard stole from me

Stupid blizzard. All last week we la-dee-dahed our way through the Christmas prep, vaguely knowing that there was wicked bad weather in the midwest. Didn’t bother us; we’d already done our holiday travel at Thanksgiving and weren’t going anywhere.

Yesterday my family called from Chicago…my brother, who has been stationed in Germany for the last 22 months, was home. Two months early. And they had planned to jump in the car early yesterday to drive out here and surprise us. The <insert strongly worded profanity here> Christmas blizzard prevented them from coming out.

I am so relieved he and his wife are home. I’ve missed them. He has some leave while he searches for a civilian job, so they’ll be out soon. They mentioned New Year’s, and boy, I hope so. Otherwise it’ll probably be late January. He and A are two of a kind, and watching them together is a joy.

So…Ma Nature? Give it up already. I wanna see my widdle bwudder and mommy and daddy.


I also have a post up at Hopeful Parents today. C’mon by!


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