where wildly different is perfectly normal
Photo tag
Photo tag

Photo tag

Tendrils tagged me on this meme, so here goes…..

The rules…

Find the 6th folder in your pictures directory and post the 6th photo in it.

So here are the instructions:

  • Go to your sixth picture folder then pick your sixth picture.
  • Pray that you remember the details.
  • Post it on your blog.
  • Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.

So, my 6th picture in my 6th folder is (ok, I didn’t have 6 photos in my 6th folder-new to digital-, so I went with the 7th photo in my 7th folder):


This was A, in 2002, enjoying his first Oreo. Would you look at those blue eyes? His eyes are still that gorgeous. What a sweetie.

Tag to anyone else who is desperate for NaBloPoMo fodder…


Whaddya think?

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