While I trying to write more often about gifted parenting issues, sometimes I just have little to say. Or too much to say that would likely be misconstrued. Or other worries take over my brain waves, like today. Thankfully I also write about “a bunch of other stuff.” Yay! An out!
The Fourmile Canyon fire is mostly contained now, and people are being allowed back into their homes. We have several friends who were evacuated, but thankfully were able to return to intact homes. However, because Colorado is as dry and crispy as fried chicken left under the heat lamps too long, there were three new fires today. Two were very quickly controlled; the Reservoir Road fire is still burning madly and literally devouring trees and homes. Again, we can see it from our back porch, but I’m not going to post more pictures. Just imagine mountains with big black clouds of smoke rising from them, and the sound of slurry bombers flying overhead to get to the flames.
I got some disconcerting news yesterday, and now I’m homesick as all hell. Thankfully I’ll be home in a few weeks. In the meantime I’m just going to try to keep busy and not think.
My husband makes a mean peach pie, a killer steak, and has learned that two glasses of wine makes me happy. That said, I need to pour some wine as I wait for my steak and pie.
This wine insists in no uncertain terms that inexpensive wine isn’t always a good thing. It is literally a party in my mouth and a shimmy up my back:
The local liquor store offers a 10% discount on case purchases. Please restrain me. Or not. Actually, please encourage me to go get a case, because it’ll suddenly be gone and then I’ll cry.
I have no fewer than 24 blog post ideas, a book idea, and at least one short story waiting for me to sit my ass down and put fingers to keys. Why have I not? Ah…things I discuss with my therapist, but let’s go with balancing my life on the tip of a pin, too many interests/too little time, and fear of failure/fear of success. I’m starting to think we should have Prozac run through the water system in this house.
Tom and I play “Words with Friends” on our respective iPhones, sitting next to each other on the couch. I repeatedly kick his ass. I am deeply proud of this, as he punts me to the moon and back every time we play “Trivial Pursuit.” Damn his gifted adult memory!
In 11 days I will leave for Winter Park for four days with my girlfriends. Scrapbooking, drinking, soaking in the hot tub, laughing, more drinking, talking, still more drinking, a lot more laughing, and maybe some more scrapbooking. To say that I’m looking forward to this is a HUGE understatement. To say that I’m thrilled to be leaving on my birthday will have me laughing like a freaking hyena giggling with delight. Let’s just pray that there will be no fires while we’re up there; I’d rather have to deal with digging the MomVan out of three feet of snow again. Like I had to in April. ‘Cause we were so freaking prepared for that!
Seriously, get some of that wine. Feeling better now. Still reeling and overwhelmed and overall crappy, but this wine…mmm…Need steak.
Tomorrow is another day. A new week. New possibilities abound and while I’m kinda freaked out by them, I’m welcoming them with open arms.
I hope whatever the disconcerting news is that it all turns out OK.
Yeah. One of those new fires wash very close to or house. Luckily contained very quick, but needless to say I am a little anxious.
Tht wine looks YUM! I always am in the mood to try new wine. 🙂
Did you say fear of failure/fear of success? Open that wine and pour me a glass. That’s one topic I am quite intimate with.
Oh, yes, fear of failure/success and I are likethis. It’s keeping me from some things I really want to do, and masks itself as “hey, a squirrel!” Sigh…