where wildly different is perfectly normal
Six things on a Sunday
Six things on a Sunday

Six things on a Sunday

  1. The next person who tries to cheer me up by telling me Chicago is having a remarkably mild winter will be lucky recipient of a papercut from my Wellbutrin prescription. Sweetbabyjesusinastockingcap, I grew up here, I know this is a mild winter! Just please recognize that I spent the last 14 years in an area that gets over 300 days of sunshine a year, is a mile closer to the sun than I am now, and that is where I was diagnosed with SAD. I’m about to buy another Happy Lamp and wear it as a hat.
  2. I am now a contributor to Christine Fonseca’s new blog, An Intense Life. Looking at the other contributors and who they are and what they’ve accomplished, I feel like a total hacker am honored and humbled to be writing there. The only thing I have up there right now is my bio; my posts will be on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.
  3. Never in my craziest insomnia moments did I think that finding a community after the move would be this difficult. Are we all this busy, that reliant on social media? I know I’m an introvert, but I’ve made efforts to reach out, and my reaching out again and again is starting to look pathetic. How hard do I have to beg to find a tribe for me? For my homeschooling son?
  4. Wednesday begins the longest month of the year, made longer by the necessity of adding an extra day to the end so the Mayans don’t get pissed and send the earth flying into the abyss. Or something like that. Regardless, February is the cruelest month, and the 2012 version will either be really really fabootastic or suck little green frogs inside out. I do not exaggerate this in the slightest.
  5. My parents took the boys for the night yesterday and Tom and I got to enjoy some delicious silence for 27 hours. Yes, I counted. However, by reveling in the rare treat of a house that wasn’t reverberating with the echoes of little boys, I got jack diddly done. So dinners and homeschooling this week will both be of the Seat Of My Pants, Flying variety.
  6. My dear friend, Deborah Mersino, is moving on from Ingeniosus and taking a dream job in Oregon. As a result, #gtchat is on temporary hiatus until she and the chat sponsors find someone to run it. I will pass along the news once it is live again; this chat is much too important to lose. As for Deborah, I am so happy for her. We lived just close enough in Colorado to get together a few times before I moved, and I wish we could have hung out more. She is truly an amazing woman, and someone I miss terribly. While online is a great way to stay in touch, it’s just not the same. I wish her and her family the best as they dive headlong into this crazy move (she has to be out there in the next couple of weeks), and hope I get to meet up with her again soon.

Now. Here’s hoping I can whip through a last few things before my second wind hits. I’d kinda like to sleep tonight.


  1. Randa

    Sorry about my mild winter comment. I think the fluctuating temps make life harder.

    You are always welcome to hang with us, but I don’t know how much fun your son will have with my two year old. We do lots of zoo trips. 🙂

  2. So touched by this, Jen! I thought of you many times today as we undertook the daunting task of packing and organizing…wonder how you did it all just a while back. Yikes. I’m so glad our path in Colorado crossed and know this will not be the end. For one, I’m far too big a fan of your writing. I will continue to be your biggest fan/stalker! 😉 Here’s to a sunny next few months for us both, sister!

  3. suzan

    Jen, I know it’s hard being so isolated when home schooling. Believe me, I’ve been there… Are there any classes you can take together? Or can you take A to a class and hang out with other moms as you wait? Or, take a class yourself…writing and cooking classes are good places to meet a supportive crowd… Maybe the local museum, zoo, or other public space have homescool activities. Our local ice rink has home scool days… Hang in there! The light is a big deal. it drove me nuts in Boise! up your light time for a while and dont forget the vitamin D!

    1. Jen

      The Happy Lamp is on all day if I’m at my desk, and I’m about to overdose on Vitamin D. 😉 And A takes a Lego Robotics class every week, so I get to at least be around other adults. Money is beyond tight, so I’m not heading out to classes if I can help it. I’ve checked into rec centers and the like for homeschool days and nada. Sigh. It’s gotta turn soon I figure.

  4. Oh, sweety, I wish we lived closer! I’d be on your front porch more than the daily newspaper!

    Have you had a chance to connect with my friend yet to get some homeschooling info? I know she had a pretty big circle of homeschooling families that she would do lots of trips/classes/activities with all the time when her daughter was young.

    1. Jen

      LOL! Great phrase. 😉
      I did talk to her, but it sounds like most of the things she’s involved in are way south and west of here. :/ There are events and people up here, just getting info about them is like pulling teeth sometimes.

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