{2e Tuesday} Launching the twice-exceptional young adult
It’s not as though there’s a handbook to this young adult stage of life, and even if there were, our G2e kids are never in those books so it wouldn’t help anyway.
It’s not as though there’s a handbook to this young adult stage of life, and even if there were, our G2e kids are never in those books so it wouldn’t help anyway.
This new normal ain’t so normal and normal never was If there is thing I can be thankful for in today’s current flaming shitstorm hell vortex, it’s that the boys are older. Both teens, both with a decent head on …
Many thanks to my friend and partner in crime, Kate Arms, for today’s guest post on highly sensitive people and overexcitabilities. These days I’m whipping between staring into space complete overwhelm and plowing through various projects, so I deeply appreciate …
Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey embarrass you in public by sharing that word they learned when you thought they were out of earshot. They’re always watching. No pressure, right? The kids are always watching and god help you if you …
I’ve had a question for parents of gifted and twice-exceptional kids that I’ve asked for years. What do you need? Inevitably the answer is something along the lines of time, money, sanity, walk-in liquor closet. But I’m not sure I’m …
I often wish I felt as confident as my professional head-shot portrays. I see that photo and think, “That woman’s got it together. She’s solid in her truth, knows her shit, and I want to be her.” Ironically, only one of …
There are some posts here on Laughing at Chaos that are really hard for me to read. I start with a few words and suddenly I’m back reliving those moments. There was a lot of pain in some of those …
Or before you get sick of them and throw them outside to fend for themselves because you hit your limit and you just want to live your own life now thankyouverymuch. But you won’t do that because the neighbors tend …
Twice-exceptional. Gifted plus…something…that masks or challenges the strengths. That something can be anything…a physical disability, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, Autism, anxiety and depression, mental illness…the list can go on and on, and usually does. When you have a twice-exceptional child, …
We are a comparative society. From the moment our kids are born they’re ranked in some way against others. APGAR scores, height and weight, when they sleep through the night, are they gaining weight, how early they potty train, when they talk, when …