where wildly different is perfectly normal
The weekend where my life interests converge
The weekend where my life interests converge

The weekend where my life interests converge

It’s been a crazy busy weekend for me. For the last few days I’ve been at the NAGC conference, and this afternoon I co-presented a roundtable on homeschooling gifted kids. This was my third gifted conference this year, and I am both exhilarated and exhausted. But it’s awesome to see friends there and be recognized by others. I’m already starting to plan for next year’s conferences and what kind of presentations I could do.

But I’m also a flutist. And tomorrow I’m going to hit the last day of the Chicago Flute Club Flute Festival. I’ll get to see old friends and teachers, meet new colleagues, and find music for my students.

Two very important parts of my life, two very different parts of my life. I will always be a flute teacher, and I will always be a gifted family advocate and writer. I couldn’t give one up any easier than I could give up the other.

Just makes for a long weekend sometimes.

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