where wildly different is perfectly normal
There and back and there and back again
There and back and there and back again

There and back and there and back again

For six months my calendar is pure white and I practically die from ennui. Then six months worth of activities are pushed into six days. Good times, good times.

Today A and I are attending the InHome Conference. My first homeschool conference. Please GOD let me suddenly have a flash of brilliance as to how to teach this kid. Or at the very least have a good time.

Then back home for his Cub Scout Blue and Gold dinner/crossover to Boy Scouts.

Then back to the conference tomorrow. Have I mentioned that it’s 90 minutes away?

Then to Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry for member’s night at the new Mythbuster’s exhibit.

Then Sunday a maple sirup (yes, it’s really spelled that way) hike with the scouts. And a meeting for me that night, again 90 minutes away.

Have I mentioned that gas in Chicago is currently around $4.30/gallon?

Have I mentioned that there’s been nothing on the calendar for months?

There will also be nothing on the calendar for Monday. We’ll need a day of rest.


Whaddya think?

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