Thirteen Things: One breath from hysteria
I’ve about had it. Princess (the laptop with a biatch attitude) is in the shop again. This time I actually believe she’ll be repaired…or at least looked at. I’m pretty confident that the Geek Squad never turned her on last week…and we all know if you don’t turn on a woman, she ain’t gonna perform! Ba dum bum! Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week, try the veal, tip your wait staff. π But with Princess’s PMSing, assorted things to do (most of them immediately), A’s late start yesterday (um, hello? Yes, I know the teachers need meeting time and stuff, but a 2 1/2 hour late start? Starting at 11:35 is a great way to mess with my day), J’s intense desire to label everything in the house (looks like a Richard Scarry book around here lately), and a new stinky dog (God, I love that pup), my house is toast. There is a project or miscellaneous crap in every single room. Now, I’m a “place for everything and everything in its place” person, so this level of disarray is not doing my mental state any favors. And since I don’t want to write about the RNC again, I’m going with a TT today. Let’s go with “Jen’s list of disarray.” Welcome to my chaos. 1. Kitchen: Here we have dishes to put away, more to put into the dishwasher, breakfast to finish cleaning up, the floor to clean because the crumbs are taking over. Also veggies to wash and prep, dinner to prep, baking to do (finally cool enough to turn on the oven), and the fridge to clean out. 2. My “office”: My office is in the corner of the kitchen, but warrants its own section. Princess is missing, so the crap on my desk is migrating and taking over. I believe the crap pile is getting close to a foot high. In this pile is a gift I need to mail (a new nephew born last week), stuff to file, calls to return, receipts to put into Quicken once Princess comes back, books, mail, and assorted stuff. Note: I am a freak about a clean desk, so this is extremely unusual for me and it’s driving me batsnot crazy. 3. Kids’ office: Ok, we figured out we didn’t need a formal dining room, so we turned it into a kids’ office. It’s where we have most of their books, bookshelves with my scrapbooks, and the backup computer on which I’m typing right now.Β The floor is covered in playing cards, drawing paper, and a couple of games. 4. Tom’s office: I don’t even go in there. We painted and got him new furniture two months ago. Looks great, but it was never really finished. Still crap everywhere. His problem, not mine. 5. Our bedroom: Oy vey. This is the dumping ground for all things to leave the house. I’ve been trying (emphasize trying) to get our closets cleaned out and stuff donated. In our bedroom right now there are three separate ginormous piles of clothes to leave. There is also a pile from Tom’s office that has no place to live and will therefore be donated I don’t care what’s in there. 6. A’s bedroom: Makes the Sweet Baby Jesus cry. ‘Nuff said. 7. J’s bedroom: Makes all the animals in the stable cry along with the Sweet Baby Jesus. Mary is not happy about all this crying. 8. Garage: We haven’t been able to pull Tom’s car into the garage in months. This is the staging area for stuff to be donated, once it has been boxed up in our bedroom. Piles of crap here. And empty paint cans that my darling husband was supposed to take care of. 9. Basement: Actually, not too bad down here. I may come hide down here today. No, wait…pantry items from yesterday’s Costco run (my wallet whimpers…) still need to be stashed in the basement pantry and juice boxes need to go into the fridge. 10. Scrapbook room: I have a scrapbook room? Really? ‘Cause I haven’t scrapped in many, many months. My shredder is down there, so I do occasionally get down there to toss shredable mail, but to actually do a craft project? {snort} 11. Backyard: Mmmmm….nothing a mess out here. Beautiful patio, toys picked up and put into the storage bench, poop picked up (we pay $1 per poop and are happy to do it; the boys fight over who gets to do doodoo duty). Maybe I’ll sit out in the backyard today. 12. Bathrooms: Ick and ick. But not my responsibility. I sit and therefore have no problem with aim, so Tom and the boys clean them. But it’s been awhile and I’m about to take over. They always forget the tubs. Ticks me off. 13. My desk: I’m mentioning it again because it’s driving me in-freaking-sane. I need a shovel. Or a blow-torch. Now. Before you all think I’mΒ a raging slob, I do exaggerate for effect. Yes, it’s a mess around here, but it will also only take me a total of a few hours to get it all in order…the exceptions being the donation piles and Tom’s office. There’s no salvaging his office. Or the garage. Or the boys’ rooms (sorry, Mary). Time to dig out. And then feet up on the porch in the backyard. ‘Cause it’s, you know, clean. |
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Yeah… I need to find my desk in my office, my dresser, the chair in the bedroom and my hope chest. I know they are there, but I haven’t seen them in close to a year. **sob** I sympathize a little.
Just call it the “lived in” look, grab a beverage of choice, and kick your feet up on the patio. π It’s what I do, anyway.
Great 13!! Mine are up, so if you get a chance, swing by and take a peek.
I just sent 6 bags of clothes with the nice charity van that came around last week. Could’ve been lupus, Disabled Vets, MS Society, People for the ethical treatment of tomatoes I’ve no idea who I gave that stuff too I’m just glad they came to get it & it is out of my bedroom.
Ugh, that sounds way too much like my house.
I’ve said it before – I think we are living parallel lives. After reading this post, I looked around just to make sure that you weren’t sitting in my dining room! =)
oh I knoooooow what you mean, i’m always trying to redecorate/restructure our home so that it doesn’t look cluttered, but my husband is a clutter hounder, and no matter how clean i make his ‘command center’ lol he’s got pilles of junk on the floor in no time, grrrrrrrr!! oh and happy TT π
I cleaned my house last weekend for guests, and it’s a disaster already. I hate cleaning.
I SO needed this laugh today. Your house sounds well, hmm…, maybe worse than mine, but I am not sure. I don’t pay $1 per doodoo though, that is truly brilliant!
I just passed on a little award to you over at Unplug Your Kids. You always make me laugh! Thank you!
I just can’t get past the adorable idea of “kids office” We do all our homework in the formal dining room,but we keep the supplies in the formal living room which could also be described as my office as it has our large computer desk overflowing with crap and a large TV stand with no TV, but lots of paper and crayons and supplies and no furniture to actually sit on.
Sounds like you’ve been to my house!
I’m glad I’m not the only one with a list. And those lists never get shorter do they? They go from the Thursday Thirteen to the Friday Five hundred fifty. LOL. π
I need help in the organizational category. This is a good list though, now you have something to use for a check list! π
Happy TT! Mine is up here and I would love a visit!