They say to write what you know, so…
I know that I’ve become a listening ear for moms of gifted kids. I’m noticing that more and more I’m talking to moms and convincing them they’re not crazy, or that they’re not a bad parent (hang on a sec…sorry, that was pot calling me, something about a color or something…), and guiding them towards resources that could help. I’m also doing more reteaching of what gifted is; so many people think it’s just a score on a test or grades or achievement. Not so much. Methinks it’s time for me to get some SENG training, or at the very least, start a Wine and Whine support group. Still, it freaks me out a bit; I’m faaarrr from an expert. I have only a living lab with gifted and 2e boys in this house, and could often be considered a case of What Not To Do.
I know that the fire in Boulder hasn’t gotten worse, but it also hasn’t gotten a whole lot better either. The winds are supposed to be really strong today; hopefully they won’t cause the fire to blow back up. We have friends who have been evacuated, including our acupuncturist and his wife. Time to do a rain dance coupled with a few get-rid-of-the-wind shimmies.
I know that I’m lucky beyond words to have a part-time job that is so flexible that I can work it around my schedule. But I also know that the flexibility (aka when there’s work) means a not-so-reliable paycheck. The great search is on for additional employment of some sort. I’m open to suggestions.
I know that my sons start selling Cub Scout popcorn today and it’s going to be All! Popcorn! All! The! Time! for the next several weeks. I love popcorn, but I can’t eat that much. I still have kernels from last year in the pantry. Maybe the Christmas tree this winter will have a lovely popcorn strand. Hey! Wanna buy popcorn!? I can set ya up! I know a couple of boys who have their eye on some seriously high goals! And I know I’m probably going to get a call from the school that they shouldn’t be coming over so early before school. Dude, I sat on them for an hour, you can manage for 30 minutes before class.
I know that I’m doing the 168 Hours Challenge again next week. I did the Challenge in June when the boys were out for the summer, and now I’m going to do it with school back in session to see how my time is used differently with them out of my hair and not driving me batshit crazy on an hourly basis when they are in the hallowed halls of learning. Should be veddy veddy interesting. As was that run-on sentence.
I know that hiring a tutor for A has been the best use of income in years. He adores his tutor, and she gets him to write/focus/plan/not lose his shit when he gets overwhelmed. This, combined with A’s Awesome with a side of Awesomesauce topped with Awesome a la mode 4th grade teacher, and I am slowly coming out of the panic red zone. For him. J is another story. The last few announcements from his teacher have talked about their reading strategy: practice high-frequency words, practice reading left to right, practice touching each word with a finger while reading, practice the “return sweep” as they move from line to line. Um. This is the 1st grade child who is reading Harry Potter. All of the papers he’s bringing home cover things he did last year, and in some cases, in preschool. He’s so quiet and laid back that he’s not giving me the Big Red Flags A did, but I’m starting to see some concerning signs of discontent. Time to start crafting an email to the teacher and maybe bring the new GT coordinator a fancy schmancy coffee. At least I cut my teeth on A’s extreme issues; I should be able to handle this. Hey. Stop laughing at me.
I know that I am a huge fan of Banned Books Week. And I know that I am going to go all-out celebrating it this year. I’m thinking about getting a Banned Books Week tree and decorating it with Banned Books. I’m might send out Banned Books Week cards, with a letter describing all the Banned Books I’ve read this year. I’m going to read Huck Finn with the boys. And. I’m going to first read Fahrenheit 451 and follow it up with the Koran. Think I’m kidding? Think.Again. The current atmosphere of intolerance, fear, and hate is inexcusable and by my ignorance I’m not part of the solution.
And I know that things are rarely as bad as they seem, that coffee and red wine make all things better, and that if I just got out of my own way my future would fall into place.
“hear hear” (or is it “here here”). Whatever the case…great post!
When you send out your BBW cards, consider that if you want to read a banned book, read the last book banned in the USA, namely, Fanny Hill, last banned in 1963.
No books have been banned in the USA for about a half a century. See “National Hogwash Week.”
Thomas Sowell says Banned Books Week is “the kind of shameless propaganda that has become commonplace in false charges of ‘censorship’ or ‘book banning’ has apparently now been institutionalized with a week of its own.” He calls it “National Hogwash Week.”
Former ALA Councilor Jessamyn West said, “It also highlights the thing we know about Banned Books Week that we don’t talk about much — the bulk of these books are challenged by parents for being age-inappropriate for children. While I think this is still a formidable thing for librarians to deal with, it’s totally different from people trying to block a book from being sold at all.” See “Banned Books Week is Next Week.”
And then there’s Judith Krug herself who created BBW:
“Marking 25 Years of Banned Books Week,” by Judith Krug, Curriculum Review, 46:1, Sep. 2006. “On rare occasion, we have situations where a piece of material is not what it appears to be on the surface and the material is totally inappropriate for a school library. In that case, yes, it is appropriate to remove materials. If it doesn’t fit your material selection policy, get it out of there.”
Lastly, remember the ALA does not oppose book burning when doing so would interfere with its political interests. Go see what Judith Krug said about Cuban librarians: “American Library Association Shamed,” by Nat Hentoff.
Come on over to my place, you have an award waiting. 🙂