where wildly different is perfectly normal
Things you really don’t want to hear before 8am
Things you really don’t want to hear before 8am

Things you really don’t want to hear before 8am

“Mom, come look! Something amazing!”

(barely into one cup of coffee…)


(A has safety scizzors from nail-care kit in his hand)

“I cut J’s hair!”



“Yeah, come see!”

(Damn right I’m gonna come see!)

“Where did you cut his hair?”

“In my room!”

“No, where on his head?”

“I don’t remember…”

“Ok, I’m going to come upstairs and try not to freak out.”

(go upstairs)

Thank GOD for useless safety scizzors!!!! No funky haircut resulting in a mad dash to the barber today. However, I do know that eventually it’s going to either be a bad haircut or Picasso with Sharpies on his little brother. It’s just a matter of time. And, like this morning, I’m going to have a hard time deciding whether or not to grab the camera. ; )


  1. Jen

    Well, it’s a matter of time before there’s a bad haircut or makeover. And A has already done the breakfast thing. He gets up at the crack of dawn and eats cereal and sometimes toast or waffles. God help me when he gets J into it too.

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