where wildly different is perfectly normal
And the winner is….
And the winner is….

And the winner is….

Oh my hell were there some creative entries to the “Only in Iowa” contest. There are some deliciously deranged minds out there, and now Tom and I have a wide variety of names for our long trips through Iowa. How about a review?
Ejaculate and Evacuate
Semen and Sayonara
Semen and Scoot
Shoot and Scoot
Pee and Flee
Came and Went
Semen and Leav’em
Copulate & Skate
Nail and Bail
Trash & Dash
Bam & Scram
Inn & Out
Pas de Deux & Pas de Don’t
Banana Shake & Banana Split
Puss & Boot
Kum & Go: Where our mugs kum in prophylactics. (not in the contest, but I just had to share! LOL)
Jizz and Jam
Jet and Jet
Blow and Stow
Leave the money on the nightstand on your way out (this comment had me laughing too)
Leavin’ Semen’s
Whack ‘n’ Walk
Paris Hilton
Slam & Scram
Dump & Dash
Jiz & Jet
Blow & Blow/Go
Spoo & Shoo
Goo & Go
Seed ‘n’ Flee
Seminal Vesuviation ‘n’ Vacate the Premises
Spooge & Vamoose
Blow ‘n’ Go
Ejaculate & Evacuate
Choking the Bald Guy Until He Pukes & Going to Get the Janitor
Crack’in the Crotch (Jack in the Box)
LUcky LIl’s
gp in mt

I’m sure I’m not alone seeing the humor jaw-dropping horror of what dirty minds live out there. Before I release the winner, I have to share this little tidbit from dinner. I am not making this up.

J (seeing the Kum & Go prize mug on my desk): that says Krum and Go.
A: No, J, it’s a private/public business, so you can’t call it names. You have to call it Kum & Go.

Hand to God, not making this up. How timely.

And, the winner of the delightful prophylactically wrapped Kum & Go mug and $15 iTunes gift card, as selected by my husband Tom, is:

“I like the way Nail & Bail rolls off the tongue, and I really appreciate the creativity of Paris Hilton, but for overall “this works on multiple levels” I’d have to go with:

Jack’N Off

Congratulations to cms from endswith8741. You know who you are, email me your address and I’ll send off the mug/gift card.

I think I need a shower….


  1. cms8741

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! And, kid you not, do you know it is my birthday?!? Honestly. You have made my day. So excited.

    By the way, I was thinking, this may just be a “trading cup.” I rather like its prophylactic wrapper and think that it should make its way across internet land in contest after contest, year after year.

    Kind of like the Stanley Cup.

    So let me just say, you haven’t seen the last of it! I can’t keep a wonder like that to myself.

Whaddya think?

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