Bill Richardson Score: 62 |
Agree Iraq Immigration Taxes Stem-Cell Research Health Care Abortion Social Security Line-Item Veto Marriage Death Penalty Environment Education |
Disagree Energy Gun Control |
— Take the Quiz! — |
Bill Richardson Score: 62 |
Agree Iraq Immigration Taxes Stem-Cell Research Health Care Abortion Social Security Line-Item Veto Marriage Death Penalty Environment Education |
Disagree Energy Gun Control |
— Take the Quiz! — |
I did a similar quiz and got Dennis Kucinich. I don’t even know who he is LOL! He was closely followed by Obama, which surprised me a bit.
61 for Bill
53 for Kucinich
47 for Clinton (which makes me want to cry)
V. proud that it was only 10 for Huckabee though. 🙂
Richardson was so funny during the debate last week–loved him.
Dodd 52
Obama 44
Clinton 44
Since Senator Dodd won’t be running by the time the Primary gets to MN I just might have to flip a coin…. KIDDING!
I got him, too. Which sucks being as he’s dropped out and all. Obama? Hillary? Edwards? Biden? It makes my head hurt.
Clinton was 63 for me, than Obama! I am shocked. I have yet to warm up to Hillary and I am not sure why. I really enjoyed what Richardson had to say in the last debate, personally I think he’ll make a good V.P. ticket.