where wildly different is perfectly normal
I read a book!
I read a book!

I read a book!

Yeah, don’t pass out…I actually read two. And in trying to write reviews for them, learned something very interesting about myself. I love to read. I love book clubs, where I can discuss and hash out books, preferably with a glass of wine in hand. But I’m not so good writing about books. Funny thing, seeing as how I love to write and love to read; you’d think the two would go together like bread and butter, but alas. I finally gave up last night. But I am going to quickie discuss the two books I read, and tell ya to just go read them. They’re both good.

Truth and Consequences by Keith Olbermann


I love Keith Olbermann. I find him to be articulate, witty, and dead-on accurate on so many things. He’s at the top of my list of “people I’d love to have dinner with.” And he’s damned easy on the eyes. Mmmm…


Truth and Consequences is a compilation of his Special Comments from Countdown. Each chapter is a separate Special Comment with a short introduction giving greater insight to the Comment. If you agree with the policies of the Current Occupant, then this book probably isn’t for you. If, however, you find yourself screaming at the evening news from time to time (or  more often, in my case), you’d probably enjoy this book.


Is it an easy read? Eh…sorta. It reads well, but if you take the time to read and think, then it’s a good chew for your brain. It’s what you want to say, but may not be eloquent enough to get out. You know, because you’re too busy screaming at the tv…or something like that.

The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner


I read a review of The Geography of Bliss in the paper a few weeks ago and was lucky to get a copy from the library quickly. The author is a correspondent for NPR and took a year to investigate happiness. He traveled, literally, around the world to find the happiest places on the planet. I found the book to be a great introduction to cultures in different countries. Who knew the people in Iceland were so cheerful? The lack of sun would do me in. And now I know of a country by the name of Moldova (former Soviet republic) and have absolutely zero desire to ever go there. Along the way he finds that happiness is more than a location…yadayadayada…this is a terrible review, I apologize. I loved the book, it was an easy read and despite that, made me think.


Ok, those were two abysmal reviews and I apologize again. I have eleventy billion things to do today, including reading (The United States of Arugula by David Kamp: how America became a country of “foodies.”). I’m great in a book club, but apparently not as a book reviewer. Bummer. But, hey, at least y’all know I read now! 🙂



  1. I think you did a great job. In fact, I PREFER this sort of book review. The ones that go on and on about how the author “weaves together facets of abstract thoughts” and “joyfully and articulately blends international folklore with political prowess in a colorful and humanitarian way” makes no sense to me.
    I like your brief “this book is good. read it now” review!

  2. mertonens

    I live in the 4th happiest city in Canada and THE happiest city in my province of Ontario. Pretty neat, huh? I don’t know about anyone else in town, but I’m pretty darn happy–most of the time–except when I’m in pain, like now with a torn ligament in my knee (I think), but yuppers, generally happy as a pig…

  3. mertonens

    Sorry to be monopolizing posts, but your stuff always gives me ideas. How about Thursday Thirteen – 13 people I’d love to have dinner with? Or 13 people I’d hate to have dinner with? Any takers?
    Kat (don’t mind my pseudonym – I have a mystery blog on wordpress)

Whaddya think?

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