where wildly different is perfectly normal
Make it stop, dear God, make it stop
Make it stop, dear God, make it stop

Make it stop, dear God, make it stop

It’s snowing. Again. We got, easily, another 5+ inches. I’m dyin’ here. My SAD is hitting epic proportions. I’ve been working tech problems on my Palm Pilot (only took me three months to discover it’s incompatable with my new computer’s OS) and the boys’ computer (which won’t let me download the sound card driver). We have no tv because the satellite is covered in more of that white crap. Poor Tom spent his lunch shoveling out the driveway. Guess what finally came by this afternoon and filled it up? The snowplow. First one we’ve seen in two weeks. If this keeps up, Tom’s summer project is going to be to put in a rope-tow for the driveway. We’re out of places to put snow. Until the plow (and actually, it was a land grader, no joke) came by, our street was about to be put on the Olympic list of “places to practice moguls”.

I need “cloudy day, it’s snowing again, I’m losing my mind” music to cheer me up. Since the satellite is down, my iPod is getting a workout. What should be on my playlist?


  1. Christina Shaver

    Isn’t amazing how much we need technology!! I can’t believe how much snow you’re getting. And here it’s been dry, dry, dry. The grass is even green. It is surreal.

  2. s@bd

    opera does it for me but not so much for others so …

    if you’re so inclined, here are my top two favourite singers (for the moment): Jennifer Larmore, Adrienne Pieczonka

  3. Jen

    Opera, really? I haven’t listened to opera for fun since college. I’ll have to check those two out; my flute teacher at CU was always trying to get me to listen to vocalists. Thanks!

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