where wildly different is perfectly normal
NOW with concentrated Mom-Spit power!
NOW with concentrated Mom-Spit power!

NOW with concentrated Mom-Spit power!

So…does anyone have any great tips for getting paint out of carpet? Dried paint? Other than ripping up that builder-grade crap and laying down laminate wood flooring?

Why, you ask?

Because we survived the Casa de Chaos Annual Memorial Day Weekend Paintapalooza! Finished a day early, as a matter of fact…only because we decided the first coat of the cream color covered well and Tom didn’t want to attempt the vaulted ceiling on the ladder with a pole again. He practically got down on his knees and kissed the ground every time he climbed down from the heights.

But it is beeeeyuuutiful. A creamy cream/yellow on most walls and going up the stairs, and a copper/bronze on the two non-vaulted walls. No, we’re not afraid of color, why? ; ) We also moved the family room furniture in there, so it’s a grown-up room for a change. The downside is that the family room (which is part of the kitchen and has the monstrous TV) has no furniture. Guess what’s on the wish list now?

So today will be spent, yet again, catching up on crap that slid by as I was doing other things. You know, minor things, like seventeen loads of laundry. Cleaning the basement so we can move a ginormous piece of furniture down there without killing ourselves. Prepping for the yard sale I’m doing with a friend this weekend (what was I thinking?). Working in the garden…wait, that can wait a few days until it warms up. Besides, the mower is broken, so who cares? Setting fire to Cleaning off my desk. Dealing with the 88 emails in my inbox. Working on my business. Entertaining J, who watched, no joke, 8 hours of TV yesterday as we were painting. We”re going to the library today to make up for it. And, last but not least, enjoying the last 72 hours of the school year. A is out for the year on Friday.

Let the fun begin!

Oh, and really, I need those carpet cleaning ideas. As much as I’d love the new floor, it has to take a number in the queue.


  1. Sorry I can’t help you with the paint. Your room sounds great though. I always say I’m going to have a yard sale, but then give up and donate to charity. I’ve never been organized enough to pull a yard sale off.

  2. Paint on carpet – I can’t remember. I think it is pretty bad news, honestly. I once got out a lot of grease with a fifty fifty ammonia and water mix. I would google it. I just won’t do it for you right now. I have more comments to write, but I still love ya.


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