where wildly different is perfectly normal
Oh, and a few other things
Oh, and a few other things

Oh, and a few other things

Because I wanted to give A his very own post celebrating his advancement to ten digits, I left off pretty much everything that happened yesterday.

Jen? What all happened on 14 April, The Year of Our Lord 2011?

  • I have a painfully beautiful new nephew. Bobo (no, not his real name for crying out loud…though I’m really surprised he has a traditional name, as my brother has insisted for years that he would name a son Thaddeus Xavier) was born yesterday morning to my brother and his incredibly gorgeous wife. He and A now share a birthday, ten years apart. A is over the moon about that. I spent the better part of the day trying not to burst into tears of joy and frustration. I came thisclose to keeping us in Chicago until the weekend so the boys and I could be there when Bobo was born. We really hoped to be in town by the time he was born, and at this rate it’s going to be a couple months before I’m officially there. He won’t have that fresh from the oven smell then. So I’m happy and sad.
  • Yesterday morning was spent at the hospital with J. On Wednesday night a very heavy table at the library fell over on his hands during a scout meeting, and he now has a fractured left nose-picker finger and a badly bruised right hand. I would have bet my dog that it was the other way around; how he managed to not break his hand is a miracle. Even the doctor thought it was broken. Oh, the irony? He’s ambidextrous, so he’s doubly screwed.
  • That this crap happens with Tom 900 miles away is not lost on him. He knows he owes me big, and the list of incidents keeps growing. One fractured finger/badly bruised hand, CSAP testing, THE TALK, keeping the house Martha Stewart Perfect for showings, putting A on a new ADHD med (ohh, that’s an entirely different post), flying solo with the boys, doing all the research on school districts in Illinois, the usual brother/homework/parenting battles, and now my van is flashing maintenance required at me. Originally it was “iPad at the other end of this.” As more crap keeps happening, the iPad bells and whistles list has grown, the new iPhone 5 may be added, and if shit keeps happening at this speed it’s gonna be “Here’s the Apple store honey, leave something for everyone else.”
  • Could be worse. I could have a shoe fetish.
  • Then again, if I had a shoe fetish I wouldn’t have to shoo A away from them like I do with my iStuff. I would hope…
  • We’ve now had somewhere around 20+ showings. Not one offer. This is worse than dating. Not that I’d know. I never dated much and married young.
  • Annnndd…the meditative silence of an early morning with coffee and laptop is broken by the harsh tones of a flushing toilet.


  1. You DID have that statue of St. Joseph blessed before you planted him, right?

    Hang in there, any day now the right purchaser for your house is going to come along. any. Day. Now.

    In the meantime, may I suggest a nice bottle of Merlot and a batch of chocolate chip cookies, straight out of the oven? It’ll help, I swear.

  2. You were at the ER on Wednesday, I was there on Thursday thinking my 3yo had meningitis b/c she couldn’t move her neck. But no. It was a muscle spasm in a neck muscle that stretched from her ear to her clavicle. Good. Times.

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