where wildly different is perfectly normal
This sheep needs a new tv, but she’ll still be Fit
This sheep needs a new tv, but she’ll still be Fit

This sheep needs a new tv, but she’ll still be Fit

So after getting coerced into doing the 30 Day Shred last week by three lovely bloggers, I actually followed through and bought the DVD. Cross my heart I was going to start immediately, but this nagging hacking cough lingered and I had to wait. Finally, yesterday I laced up my pink sneakers, pulled on the sports bra (why do I bother? For realz…sigh…), and headed into the basement to be yelled at by a video.

And discovered that the tv in the basement has a short in the DVD port. Can’t watch DVDs in the basement. Can’t do exercise DVDs in the basement. Yes, could do exercise DVDs upstairs, but I’m pretty sure the 30 Day Shred is tough enough without dancing around a dog that wants a belly rub and leaping over the random small toys strewn about the house.

I went Fit. Wii Fit. After being yelled chastised by the animated balance board (yeah, you’re looking a little thick around the middle there, too, Mr. Balance Board!), off we went. I love using the Wii Fit; I forget I’m exercising. For someone who hates running, I find it hysterical that I love the running part of the program. I get lost in the onscreen animation and scenery and before I know it, I’m done. Today (yes, I did two days in a row! Prepare for hell to officially freeze over!) I did the super-holy-God-how-long-is-this long run. And loved it. But my favorite part of the program is the rhythm boxing. I love it! I get to box all my frustrations out, smacking an anthropomorphic punching bag. It’s all fun.

And I’m sore as hell today. Two days in a row…I’m in worse shape than I thought. But I’ll keep sneaking it into my day and hopefully I’ll work my way past Couch Potato to maybe Office Chair Tater Tot. One can hope.

As for the new tv…uh-huh…I need a better reason than an exercise DVD to go buy a new screen. I have a balance board to yell at me for now.


  1. I really needed a good laugh tonight – THANKS! My inlaws in South Carolina just got a Wii Fit and I have been fighting SO badly to keep the Wii out of the house since my 2 “men” in the house are both badly addicted to their Nintendo DS’s…I am afraid what will happen if I introduce a Wii…but your post got me thinking again!

  2. I believe that you have a valid excuse for not shredding, says the queen of exercise excuses. Quite frankly you know what I think of Jillian and her DVD so I say GO WII FIT!

    I do not have a WII so I do not have a WII FIT so I can’t do that workout – up next will be a Sarah Ivanhoe program.

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