where wildly different is perfectly normal
What happens at retreat stays at retreat
What happens at retreat stays at retreat

What happens at retreat stays at retreat

I’m home from my wonderful weekend away with my girlfriends. I am always a new woman when I get back, and today was no exception.

However, I returned to 150 emails, 180 unread posts in my feed reader, at least 6 loads of laundry, a totally fracked up new wordpress look, and the end (Glory Hallelujah!) of spring break.

I should be up for air around 2010.


  1. I hear you! I was away on a rare vacation and went to the Johnson and Johnson Camp Baby retreat a few days after my return. I’m so behind on my virtual life…and I have to catch up on my real life, too! And here I am commenting on your blog! Must go do laundry….

Whaddya think?

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