where wildly different is perfectly normal
Snowglobe living
Snowglobe living

Snowglobe living

P1040311It’s snowing. A lot. Like, you’re going to see Denver on the evening news LOT. I think there’s maybe eight inches on the ground now, blowing and drifting, with another 18+ expected by tomorrow night. The kicker?

My kids had school today.

Districts all around us plus the University of Colorado canceled classes, but our district sent the kids for their book larnin’. After school activities are canceled, businesses are shutting down for the day left and right, and sounds like rush hour tonight is going to be horrific. Likely no school tomorrow.

Oh, and our satellite dish is out. At least we still have power. It’s such a wet and heavy snow that the power lines often like to express their displeasure by snapping and demanding some TLC before agreeing to return to work.

My basement office is a cave today, with the snow on top of the window well cover getting heavier and heavier. I have every light on down here and it’s still gloomy.

I’m not getting comments emailed to me…again. A setting must have gotten janked. I did, however, catch the comment that my feed had an extraneous space; that has been corrected and NOW you should be able to subscribe. That’s why my subscriber count went from 105 to 5…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I fully expect it to spike…snort.

In a matter of minutes I will have a couple of freezing, wet, hyper boys come blowing into the house, demanding hot chocolate and pleading for me to join them outside. I will provide the hot chocolate and laugh hysterically at the request. I don’t go out in this crap, I did my time in college marching band. This year celebrates 18 years since the Three Hour Rehearsal In Horizontal Sleet and I’m still thawing.

And just in case you think “poor you!,” it’s supposed to be 60 on Monday. Send galoshes, it’s gonna get messy.


  1. Theresa

    My uncle used to live in Elizabeth Colorado and tell tales of ginormous snowfalls one day and the kids playing in the melting snow in shirts and t-shirts the next. You truly have some freaky weather. But I’d trade it for what we get without hesitation!

  2. Heaps of snow in October?!?

    I’m going to stop griping about overcast skies and the first thunder heard since last winter now. (No real rain, at least not yet, but the thunder is sounding ominous. My kids went out in shorts and all my laundry is on the line. Figures.)

  3. I really like your “voice” in your writing 🙂

    And I totally get the band reference; my son was in his HS marching band, which performed in the rose parade a couple of years ago–you don’t get that kind of exposure by being slackers 🙂 I don’t blame you a bit for staying inside!

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