where wildly different is perfectly normal
Month: <span>May 2006</span>
Month: May 2006

I am a runner

I got talked into running a 5k in September. That’s what you get when you casually mention to your personal trainer (who is also a good friend) that a 5k is something you might want to do “someday.” The next …

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to you. Hopefully you’re enjoying your day off, having a beer and brat, and basically doing nothing. But today is about remembering our soldiers, especially the fallen. So today I’m going to remember Tim. I went to …


Anyone have any experience with this? ‘Cause honestly, if I keep yelling at the boys to close the freakin’ screen door, I’m going to be known as “that shrew who lives in the house with the Cubs flag.”

Out of sorts

I’m not the world’s greatest housekeeper. I figure, if the health department isn’t at the door, threatening to take away the boys, I’m doing ok for this point in life. Basically, I’m a “place for everything and everthing in its …