where wildly different is perfectly normal
Month: <span>May 2006</span>
Month: May 2006

Me Mudder

When me prayers were poorly saidWho tucked me in me widdle bedAnd spanked me till me arse was wedMe MudderWho took me from me cozy cotAnd put me on the ice cold potAnd made me pee if I could notMe …

The Big Day

Holy c-RAP! What a long day. And the court date was the shortest part of it! Wow. Just…wow. The stunners just don’t stop. After the shock yesterday of the guy blowing a .291, today found out the rest of the …

SPD is real

Dr. Lucy Jane Miller is going to be on the Today show on Tuesday morning. Who is she, you ask? She is the leading (oh, hell, the ONLY) researcher on Sensory Processing Disorder. She has a new book out and …