where wildly different is perfectly normal

Waffles are just a vehicle for butter and syrup

Alert! Alert! There’s a national waffle shortage!!!! Yes, Kellogg’s warns that the Eggo waffle supply will be greatly depleted until next summer. NO WAFFLES? httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDD92zs9_mM Whatever shall we do? The beloved yellow boxes are flying off the shelves! Old Mother …

Lucky 7

Oh, the OCMama saved me this Monday morning, by tagging me with this meme late last week. NaBloPoMo has been wonderful, and I appreciate the opportunity to improve my writing by doing it every day, but…dang, I’m starting to run …


Amazing how time can get away from you on a Saturday. THIS IS A PATHETIC PLACEHOLDER POST. I’m watching the Bands of America Grand Nationals Marching Band Finals streaming online. With the boys. And it’s going on right now and …

It’s Friday! It’s Friday! It’s Fragments! And Dear So and So!

Fridays just wouldn’t be the same without Fragments and Dear So and So… ****************************************************************** Dear Sudden Downpour: Wow, can you stop for maybe five minutes so my kids can get home dry? That’d be swell. Nice and dry in her …

Times like these

Today is the last day of Princess the PMSing Laptop’s three year extended warranty. I know this only because the Geek Squad keeps sending me reminders. THE WARRANTY IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE! and RENEW NOW!  and YOUR COMPUTER WILL SELF-DESTRUCT …

What if…

Several years ago the mom of one of my flute students asked me to write something for a scrapbook she was putting together for her daughter’s 16th birthday. I can’t find that letter in my files for love or money, …